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Our Mission Is To Add Value To Your Restoration And Ensure You Qualify For The Historic Tax Credit Program In Maryland

Baltimore City Chap Tax Credit Historic Tax Credits In Maryland

In 2001, O’Connell and Associates was formed as a historic renovation and tax credit consulting firm in Downtown Baltimore, Maryland. O’Connell and Associates offers affordable consultations to local homeowners and real estate developers. With over 20 years of experience, O’Connell and Associates has become the largest, and most successful historic renovation and tax credit consulting firm in Maryland. The firm has consulted on thousands of successful projects throughout the state and secured over 100 million dollars of tax credits for our clients. A few of their Developer programs for the state of Maryland, include: CHAP, small commercial and large commercial historical tax credit programs.

The firms Homeowner programs include: The Maryland Historical Trust Revitalization Program as well as the CHAP program.

In 2009, the firm added Property Tax Appeals to our list of services, in order to reduce property expense when historic tax credits are not available.

If you have any questions or would like to set-up a consultation regarding your next Homeowner or Developer project, feel free to contact us at our office at: (410) 837-5800 or fill out the form above.

Qualifying for Historic Tax Credits

The east coast is replete with historic districts, buildings, and sites. Federal, state and local governments recognize that preserving the historical significance of their cities is good for growth, and have introduced Historical Tax Credit incentive programs to encourage investors and homeowners to rehabilitate these historic properties.

Experienced Experts

Our firm has been working in the historic tax credit industry for over 20 years. In 2001 we officially began helping small investors and individual homeowners navigate the often-tricky path to historic rehabilitation compliance. In this field experience counts, and our goal is to work with you to ensure your rehabilitation of your historic property is rewarding.

Professional Evaluations

Compliance with the regulations of historic rehabilitation is complex and the rules are incredibly rigid. Our team can evaluate the needs and goals of your project, and then advise on a plan of action that ensures maximum benefit and minimum risk - ensuring you receive your tax credit without fear of penalty.

Project Guidance

Throughout each phase of your project, our team is there to support, guide, and offer advice that keeps you and your rehabilitation project compliant. Historic rehabilitation must be done 100% right in order to qualify for tax credit and our team is there to keep you on track and within the program regulations.

With Over 20 Years of Experience, Our Team has the
Knowledge and Expertise to Ensure Professional,
Accurate, High Quality Service

With over $100 000 000 dollars in tax credit secured, our team has picked up and learned all the methods and developed the tools one needs when embarking on a historic restoration or rehabilitation project. 


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